1st Red Line
- The oldest line of Saint-Petersburg.
- Start of construction: April 1941.
- Resumption of construction: September 3, 1947.
- Opened November 15, 1955.
- Initially: Kirov-Vyborg line.
- The line is 29.7 km long and has 19 stations.
- The average speed of trains is 38 km/h.
- The average time from end to end is 47 minutes.
- The average depth of the stations is 50 meters.
- The length of trains is 8 cars.
Random stations
Depth profile on the line: Station depths
Traffic profile on the line: Traffic
Stations on the line:
- Бугры (проект)ru
- Проспект Культуры (проект)ru
- Сосновка (проект)ru
- TCh-4 Severnoye
- Devyatkino
- Grazhdansky Prospekt
- Akademicheskaya
- Politekhnicheskaya
- Ploschad Muzhestva
- Размывru
- Lesnaya
- Vyborgskaya
- Special object
- Ploshchad Lenina
- Chernyshevskaya
- Ploshchad Vosstaniya
- Vladimirskaya
- Pushkinskaya
- Technological Institute-1
- Technological Institute-2
- Baltiyskaya
- Narvskaya
- January 9th Garden (not built)
- Kirovsky Zavod
- Avtovo
- TCh-1 Avtovo & TCh-2 Dachnoye
- Dachnoye (closed)
- Leninsky Prospect
- Prospect Veteranov
On the whole line, landing through the last door of the last carriage is not performed, because when the train stops, it is located outside the platform.
At stations with access to the right side - Technological Institute-2 and Devyatkino - landing is not performed at the first door of the first carriage.
As befits the most deserved lines, there are a lot of interesting things on the First line:
- The station Devyatkino and TCh-4 Severnoye are located outside of Saint-Petersburg - in the Leningrad region.
- The station Grazhdansky Prospekt is one of the 3 stations in Saint-Petersburg with a ground-based anti-atomic protection complex. The other two are Prospect Prosveshcheniya and Lomonosovskaya.
- Unfinished tunnels at the station Politekhnicheskaya for the branch line to the north - Сосновка (проект)ru, Проспект Культуры (проект)ru and Бугры (проект)ru.
- Widely known in narrow circles Размывru with a quicksand between the stations Lesnaya and Ploschad Muzhestva.
- Special object between stations Vyborgskaya and Ploshchad Lenina.
- Passage under the Neva River in the area of its greatest depths (24 meters, tunnel depth over 70 meters) between the stations Ploshchad Lenina and Chernyshevskaya.
- Service connecting branches of 1/3 Lines.
- The shortest stretch in Saint-Petersburg (720m) between the stations Vladimirskaya and Ploshchad Vosstaniya.
- Dumping of soil during the construction of the inclined course of the station Pushkinskaya, and an underground monument to Pushkin in the same place.
- Service connecting branches of 1/2 Lines.
- Panel "1917" at the station Baltiyskaya.
- Ghost station January 9th Garden (not built).
- Many legends about a secret service branch to the territory of the Kirov plant and the port from the station Narvskaya to the station Kirovsky Zavod. Now its a ССВ 1/6 линий (Путиловская/Нарвская, строится)ru.
- Glass columns at a very beautiful station Avtovo.
- Three metrodepos at once: TCh-4 Severnoye, TCh-1 Avtovo & TCh-2 Dachnoye.
- Now defunct ground station Dachnoye (closed) (now it is the former Department of traffic police of Kirovsky district of the city).
- The busiest metro station in Saint-Petersburg is Prospect Veteranov, about two and a half million people a month.
IMHO, the most beautiful station on this line - Ploshchad Vosstaniya. She is the second busiest in the Saint-Petersburg metro. Yes, it is the first in terms of traffic at the entrance-exit, but you need to understand that the exits of this station pull over a significant part of the traffic of the adjacent station Mayakovskaya.
Interestingly, in the Moscow metro the busiest station is its partner, Komsomolskaya. Partner, because all the traffic on trains between Moscow and Saint-Petersburg passes through both of these stations, at the Moscow and Leningrad railway stations, respectively.
Sokolov's book about the first stage of the Leningrad metro, 1957.