
The station is named after its location in the Vyborg district and on the Vyborg side (the historical name of the district).

Travertine, a soft limestone of a grayish—brownish color, is used in the decoration of columns and track walls. The floor is lined with gray granite.

The end wall of the central hall is empty, without decorations.

Previously, all three halls of the station were of the same length, and the central end was decorated with the inscription "Vyborgskaya", similar to the same inscriptions on the track walls.

In the post-Soviet period, part of the central hall of the station was given over to the line point of machinists 1st Red Line, closing the three far spans of the middle hall.

I must say that after the overhaul in 2015, the station has become much brighter. This is how it looked before the renovation in the evening lighting:

And now - like this:

The underground hall of the station and the escalator march are connected by a long passage in the form of the letter "S", similar to the stations Primorskaya and Ligovsky Prospekt.

Here, at the end of the passage, you can see a bas-relief depicting the rebellious workers of the Vyborg side. During the revolutionary events of 1917, there was a harsh working-class district here, a real hotbed of revolution. At that time, the tsarist police could practically not meddle here.

But the most interesting thing at this station is located at the top. Let's go up.

The hermetic door in front of the escalator, apparently, is vertical - like a "guillotine".

Before the overhaul, the escalators were illuminated by "light columns" on the balustrade. During the repair, they were replaced with light strips on the vault.

The station lobby is one of the few "glass" vestibules in Saint-Petersburg that have retained their original appearance.

Initially, the ground lobby of the station was built with panoramic floor-to-ceiling glazing, but at the beginning of the 21st century, the lower row of windows was bricked up and lined with stone.

So, the first of the two main "chips" of the station. This is one of two metro stations in Saint-Petersburg, directly from the ground lobby of which an underground pedestrian crossing begins. The second one is Petrogradskaya. But not just a passage, but the longest underground passage in the city with its own history.

The entrance of this passage from the street is clearly visible in the film "Breakthrough", when the Volga car with the authorities of the Leningrad metro makes its way through the crowd running from the subway.

Even when the station was opened in 1975, a niche was left in its ground lobby for the descent into the passage. The passage began in August 1981. During the construction, the method of pushing was used, and it was not necessary to close traffic along the avenue and the railway.

The shield went from the far end to the subway. Two 159-meter-wide and 3-meter-high tunnels were laid under 16 railway tracks. At the same time, it is unclear why it was impossible to stretch the crossing another 12 meters and pass a narrow street behind the crossing also underground.

There are many urban legends about this crossing, but in fact it is a simple underground passage for moving workers between the metro and industrial enterprises of the district. The only feature is the service entrance from the transition to the motor car depot of the railway TCh-15 Saint-Petersburg-Baltic (Finland site), formerly TCh-20.

Earlier to the north, opposite the house No. 32 on Lesnoy Prospekt, there was a wooden elevated pedestrian crossing over the railway tracks. It was built after the war, by the time the metro station was opened, it had fallen into disrepair and was dismantled immediately after the opening of the underpass.

Pedestrian tunnels were opened on November 4, 1983 and immediately became an exceptionally atmospheric place. Especially considering that this is a harsh working area, and the flow of passengers in the transition is extremely small.

Interestingly, until February 2011, it was impossible to get directly into the transition from the exit from the station. Now you can.

Let's go back underground, and along the way we will see the second unique "feature" of this station. According to an atypical tradition, fresh flowers have been growing on the platform behind the escalator since the opening of this station.

Let's go underground. The light lines on the escalator arch are perfectly visible.

The passage behind the hermetic door to the station hall is also decorated with authentic lamps.

What else? Doors in the track walls.

Such is the station. All the most interesting things are outside.