Nevsky Prospekt

The name of the metro station, of course, is not very successful. Simply because Nevsky Prospekt is the long main thoroughfare of the city, and along it there are 7 metro stations of all 5 lines. This is except for the continuation of the avenue on the Right Bank of the Neva - there it is no longer Nevsky, but Zanevsky ("behind-Neva") Avenue ;)

Specifically along Nevsky Prospekt there are stations: Admiralteyskaya, Nevsky Prospekt, Gostiny Dvor, Mayakovskaya, Ploshchad Vosstaniya, Ploshchad Alexandra Nevskogo-1 and Ploshchad Alexandra Nevskogo-2. And on the Right bank of the Neva - Novocherkasskaya and Ladozhskaya.

Moreover, in the project, this station had several names. In addition to the main one, "Plekhanov Square", because initially they wanted to build the station in the area of Plekhanov Square, now Kazan, there were also names "Kazan Cathedral" and "Zhelyabova Street". And according to rumors, there was also a version of the name of the station "Center of Leningrad". But in the end, for some reason, it was called "Nevsky Prospekt". Such an embarrassment.

The station's lighting has changed three times in its history: from slightly yellowish until 2003, through poisonous yellow to white-LED in 2021.

There are no decorations at the station, it is very utilitarian. Plastered walls are covered with horizontal aluminum profiles.

But the doors in the track walls for some reason are not decorated in the color of these aluminum horizontals.

The station has the most intense transfer traffic in the city, and even in the dead of night it is extremely difficult to take pictures here. Large crowds of people are in a hurry all the time. At the same time, since the station is pylon, its constructive capacity is small - the passages between the pylons are narrow. Such is the paradox.

Together with the station Gostiny Dvor Nevsky Prospekt forms the only interchange hub in the city where the flows of people from different directions are completely physically separated - Gostinka-Nevsky, transitions. The only exception is the only escalator to the entrance from the Griboyedov Canal, aka Nevsky Prospekt-2.

In total, the transfer hub has three exits - Warm Pipe, Nevsky Prospekt-2 and an exit to the Gostiny Dvor building from the station Gostiny Dvor. The Nevsky Prospekt station itself is the first in the city that did not have a ground lobby. There was simply nowhere to cram him in the city center.

The exit to the "Warm Pipe", the oldest underground passage in the city, is interesting in itself - see Warm Pipe. It closes at exactly 23:00. There was once a second small escalator, but during the renovation in 1998, the small escalators were dismantled and replaced with a three-span staircase.

The remaining exits and crossings work until the last visitor - that is, until the metro closes at half past midnight.

The transition from Nevsky Prospekt to Gostiny Dvor is located at the end of the station. There are 4 escalators to the Guest House, three to the Gribanal and one from the Gribanal.

The return passage from Gostinka to Nevsky, except for the only escalator at the end, is provided by a separate corridor that falls out to Nevsky Prospekt station in its very middle. In order for the flow of people to go only one way, turnstiles are installed here.

During the period when the lighting at the station was poisonous yellow, the white end of the transition emphasized this color difference especially vividly.

Opposite the passage, where a human waterfall is constantly rolling down the stairs, there is the only, but very cool attraction of this station - the text about the awarding of the metro with the Order of Lenin. Under the Order of Lenin, a large mine was specially made in the ground.

And if you can see it from the station itself, only when you stand directly in front of it, then at the exit from the transition it just catches your eye, occupying the entire field of view.

At one time, there was another spontaneous attraction at the end of one of the side halls - a very nice sticker on the end of the service electric speaker (photo on the left). But now, alas, it is lost (photo on the right).

In general, this station is a hard worker, such a utilitarian workhorse of the Saint-Petersburg metro. People rush through it without noticing. Compare visually with the station Ploshchad Vosstaniya, which is also located on the same Nevsky Prospekt in the same center of the same city, but was built according to the Stalinist plan of the first stage of the metro.

At the northern end of the station there is a branch to Service connecting branches of 2/5 Lines - to the northern end of the station Sadovaya. Previously, it was used to issue trains to 5th Purple Line on a daily basis, and trains with passengers often ran along it in both directions. But from the platform, of course, it is not visible. Only the feathers of the switch are visible.

In the same direction, to the station Gorkovskaya, in the subway tunnels there are the famous "Roller coasters". When laying a tunnel between these stations under the Neva, the tunnellers found a previously undetected aquiferous sand lens in the area of the Field of Mars. I had to bury the tunnel with the maximum permissible slope. On this segment, the first car of the train turns out to be six meters lower than the last one. This is the deepest subway stretch in the world (126 meters at the deepest point).

In the other direction, to the station Sennaya Ploshchad, lies the shortest stage on the whole 2nd Blue Line. The very center of the city, the stations are very tightly packed.

If you carefully rummage around the station, you can find various curious technological artifacts of the previous industrial era. Such traces of a highly developed man-made civilization in the form of intercom devices or incomprehensible notches on aluminum profiles on the walls.

But if you just want to take a walk here, you know, the flow of people will trample you. Even in the dead of night ;)