
  • This object in Internet: Wiki, Wikimapia, карта Yandex
  • Opened: December 21, 1970
  • Station depth: 64m
  • Project title: Ivanovskaya
  • Popular names: Lomo, Lomka
  • Type of station: horizontal elevator
  • Entrance to the station: a separate lobby with a ground-based anti-nuclear protection complex
  • Traffic: total about 914 thousand people per month

The station is named after the great Russian scientist Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov, whose name is also the Leningrad (Imperial) Porcelain Factory located nearby.

This station completes a string of six "horizontal elevators" in a row.

From the moment of construction until the opening of the continuation of the line (ten and a half years) the station was the terminus.

The hermetic door of the traditionally vertical type, the "guillotine", is located in front of the escalators.

However, upstairs inside the station lobby there is a second circuit of anti-nuclear protection with a second hermetic door. It's not obvious, the security capsule is well hidden inside the lobby. However, there are only three such stations in the city - also Grazhdansky Prospekt and Prospect Prosveshcheniya.

The lobby looks quite in the style of the late USSR.

Let's go back down.

The end wall of the station is decorated with a bronze bas-relief with a portrait of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Initially, it was made of gypsum, because they did not have time to make a metal one for the opening.

The station and its construction are cheerfully and fervently mentioned by Dovlatov in his Nomenclature half-boots:

Soon we received an order. And quite profitable and urgent. The brigade had to cut down a relief image of Lomonosov for a new metro station. Sculptor Chudnovsky quickly made a model. The molders cast it in plaster. We've come to take a look at this case.

Lomonosov was depicted in some kind of suspicious dressing gown. In his right hand he held a paper scroll. In the left — a globe. The paper, as I understand it, symbolized creativity, and the globe symbolized science.

Lomonosov himself looked well-fed, feminine and untidy. He looked like a pig. In the Stalinist years, this was how capitalists were portrayed. Apparently, Chudnovsky wanted to assert the primacy of matter over spirit.

But I liked the globe. Although for some reason it was deployed to the audience by the American side.

The sculptor conscientiously sculpted miniature Cordillera, Appalachia, Guiana Highlands. I didn't forget about lakes and rivers —Huron, Athabasca, Manitoba...

It looked rather strange. In the era of Lomonosov, such a detailed map of America, I think, did not exist. I told Chudnovsky about it. The sculptor got angry:

— You talk like a tenth grader! And my sculpture is not a school manual! Here is Bach's sixth invention, imprinted in marble. More precisely, in plaster... the last cry of metaphysical synthetism!..

The station is the record holder of the Saint-Petersburg metro in the number of repetitions of the station name on the platform — as many as 144 times. The letter "O" in them occurs 576 times in total.

South of the station, towards the station Proletarskaya there is a revolving dead end.

Initially, it was supposed to bring the line behind the station to the surface - to the station Zavod Bolshevik (unfinished), there you can get acquainted with this story.

In general, it is an ordinary "horizontal elevator". Read Dovlatov necessarily ;)