Ploshchad Vosstaniya, to Moskovsky railway Station

The exit from the station Ploshchad Vosstaniya to the Moscow railway station, it is also at the same time the exit from the station Mayakovskaya through the transition Ploshchad Vosstaniya - Mayakovskaya, crossings, is very interesting and deserves a separate page.

From the central hall of the station Ploshchad Vosstaniya the output looks like this:

Well, if you go from the station Mayakovskaya, then that's it:

Let's pay attention to the beautiful authentic lamps on the sides of the stairs, which are repeated later near the escalator and on the escalator itself.

In front of the escalators, you can see a traditional hermetic door, but its type, vertical or horizontal, cannot be determined here.

Behind the hermetic door on the sides of the escalator there are the same lamps again.

And, as I said, on the escalator itself. They were able to build beautifully in the USSR.

While the escalator is taking us upstairs, let's tell you this. Initially, when opening the exit from the metro to the Moskovsky railway station, the builders thought about the convenience of passengers and how to carefully separate the streams of people. Therefore, the exit of the escalator to the surface was integrated with the system of underground passages on the territory of the Moskovsky railway station, so that directly from the escalator, without going out into the open sky, it was possible to reach the farthest passenger platform.

Today, in the wake of idiotic anti-terrorist hysteria, there were inspections and closed passages everywhere. Which still won't help and which can still be bypassed (tested). But which greatly interfere with the movement of people.

Accordingly, almost all the underground passages were closed. I pictured from memory what they looked like, because I walked on them many times with my feet back in Soviet times:

Here we finally arrive at the top. And we immediately see that you can only exit in the direction of the usual exit - to Ligovsky Prospekt and to the suburban part of the station.

Turning left from the escalator, we see the corresponding inscriptions.

If you go out onto the avenue, then the metro station looks like this from the outside.

If you go to the train platforms, you can see the former entrances and exits of the underpasses, now covered with shopping pavilions.

The last surviving underpass leads from the central hall of the station - right in the center of the landing stage.

And right in front of the subway doors on the left, you can see a nondescript plug in place of other underground corridors.

By the way, here is the farthest exit from the underpass. It is also covered with a plug.

If you go into the subway, but walk through it without turning to the escalators, you will find yourself back on Ligovsky Prospekt.

In general, you can take a walk here and with an attentive eye see the traces of the former thoughtful transport system that we inherited from the highly developed civilization of the USSR. And we'll go back underground. The entrance here is purely utilitarian. No jewelry.

And at the bottom of the escalator, in front of the hermetic door, we will again rejoice at real Soviet lamps :)