Vladimirskaya-Dostoevskaya, crossing
- Opened: December 30, 1991
This inter-station transition does not stand out in any special way. Except that during its construction in 1989 there was a water breakthrough in the workings. In this regard, the station Vladimirskaya was closed for several days, trains passed it without stopping.
From the side of the station Vladimirskaya, the passage is accessed by a side staircase from the central hall.
And soon enough on the way you can see a hermetic door of the horizontal type - "wardrobe".
The transition hall to the escalators is visible behind the hermetic door.
From the side of the station Dostoevskaya escalators to the transition are located at the end of the station hall.
A short escalator quickly leads to the transition hall, where there is a kiosk selling press. From here, too, the same hermetic door is clearly visible - from the other side. The transition is short.
Such a utilitarian transition without special points of interest.